
Friday, December 11, 2020

Jellie park trip


Hello blog viewers this went on Thursday the 10th of December we went on trip to Jellie park for the end of the school year 2020. Jellie park is like a public swimming pool or a water-park. At Jellie park we went on hydro slide in polls and jumped off of diving boards. On this trip I really had fun and I enjoyed myself. This went the credit goes to... MY TEACHERS for making this trip possible so thank you. Quick question what is your favourite water park or public swimming pool also let me know what is your favourite part of the pool or water-park let me know in the comments down below. Thank you for reading my blog post make sure to come back for more posts have a great day and rest of week Bye. 

Friday, December 4, 2020



Hello blog viewers this week I made I animation on a story I wrote. This story is about a a set of twins who had to make a new friend. I think that this is a good animation I like it and I put a lot of work into it. Today the credit goes to... ME!! I wrote the story and made the animation so yea. Quick question what would you think of being told to make friends with someone let me know in the comments down below. Thank you for reading my blog post make sure to come back for more posts and leave a comment have a great day and rest of your week bye!